About me

Hi! I'm Mircea (a.k.a. Mikko). I'm a software developer and (hobbyist) photographer.

I like

  • 🐈 Cats

  • 💻 Creating frontends

  • 🎵 Trance music

  • 🪴 Gardening

  • 📷 Photography

I dislike

  • 🥶 Cold weather

  • 😴 Waking up early

  • 📲 Phonecalls

  • ☀️ Light themes

  • 🕴️ Crowds

Currently building stuff with:

  • Frontend:

    NextJS (SSR) & Astro(SSG)

  • FullStack:


  • Backend:

    Go & Turso

Other tech I've worked with in the past:

  • Mobile:

    ReactNative & Expo

  • Backend:


  • Databases:

    Neo4J & MongoDB

Tech I'm learning in 2024:

  • Mobile:

    PWA's & Flutter

  • Backend, tooling:


  • Langs:

    Lua, Gleam

  • Others:

    NeoVim, Nix